
How it Works

Stage 1: Investigation - The first step is the analysis of policy provisions and stipulations as they relate to your loss. This in-depth review is used to determine the coverage, limits, exclusions, and other forms that may apply to your particular loss. In investigating and planning for the loss and damages documentation and presentation, one must have an understanding of recent court cases, decisions from the Insurance Commissioner's office, industry technical articles and opinions, and other factors that influence the standard printed insurance forms. Often the printed policy forms are contradictory to the current practices and procedures of insurance adjusting in your area.

Stage 2: Documentation of the Claim - The insured is required under the insurance policy to conform to "Your Duties After A Loss" provision of the policy. This can be an involved and detailed process requiring time and expense to meet the requirements. Our professional staff will create an exact picture of your property to reflect its value to conform to the forms and policy language in your particular case. This in-depth process includes:

  1. Detailed construction estimates with supporting engineering documents if necessary.

  2. Detailed and verified inventory and contents schedules with correct evaluation and supporting documentation.

  3. In-depth business interruption coverage analysis which includes projections and forecasts.

  4. The required technical and supporting documentation showing the current industry publications and authoritative papers supporting positions taken in the claim adjustment process.

Stage 3: Presentation of the Claim - After the full extent of the loss has been determined and documented, the schedule of losses is prepared and undergoes a complete review by our staff. The claim is then segregated into the separate categories which conform to the various policy provisions that apply. A thorough review of the documents is made with the client and, with final approval, the claim is submitted to the insurance carrier for negotiations.

Stage 4: Negotiations and Settlement - Upon approval and submission, negotiations begin. It should be noted that no claim is settled without prior approval from the client who will be kept abreast of all negotiations as they proceed.

A well-defined position that is professionally documented gains the respect of the insurance company representative which, along with our expertise and qualifications, guarantees a successful conclusion of your claim.